Monday, February 12, 2007


hey it's like finally I'm here to update! haha well Thank God that he has always been a Faithful God in my life! Alright, let me share something really amazing that has happened!

Some time last week, I was thinking how to improve myself in teaching Chinese language. As we all know that Chinese language is kind of boring just doing reading and doing close passages/comprehension questions. I prayed then after that it just slipped off my mind. Last Monday night, I had a dream. I dreamt that I walked into a shop that sells assessment books and story books etc for tuition used. And I saw quite a number of story books that are really interesting! I woke up and which is on Tuesday. Wow! guess what? The dream was like so clear, i mean it's like so REAL! haha and before i went to teach tuition that day, i went to a shop to buy assessment books and i saw really interesting Chinese books! which can enhance my teaching and as well as make it more interesting for learning! PRAISE THE LORD:)

And next, i went to teach Jordan(my tuition kid), he was really interested in learning Chinese now! So AWESOME! Really want to Thank God for showing me the way! hees

Sunday, January 14, 2007


Thanksgiving time! haha though circumstances may not be going well in my ministry but i will still choose to give thanks to the Lord! I would like to share something that came across my mind somewhere last week:) I was feeling rather tired, physically and emotionally. I was rather stressed up with the amount of school work that i had and i broke down and cry. As i was thinking about it, this came to my mind: when Jesus was born to this earth. He served the poor, preached the word of God, healing the sick, travelling around, feeding the five thousands and trials, obstacles that he faced.

A question came to my mind. Is Jesus tired? I'm sure Jesus is tired but where does this STRENGTH that he had came from? I'm sure everyone knows the answer, his STRENGTH comes from the Heavenly Father.

Many a times i'm just relying on myself to do everything and i forgot about God! This year i am going to learn to rely on God for his help and strength for each day! About my ministry, it is God that who give me this and everything belongs to God. I will continue to pray until i see a BREAKOUT! Not easy but with God, i can! Do keep me in prayers too that I will not be anxious but learn to commit to the Lord in prayer for whatever i do.

Monday, January 8, 2007

A New Beginning in my Life

Hey this is a year of victory! Though last year is an Extraordinary Possibilities for me but now it's a different one! On the 30th December 2006, I actually feared to enter into the year of 2007. I feared that this will be a drastic year for me again because i've lost my Faith in God because of trials and problems that i've faced. I was amazed when i see how the Lord brought me through on the 30th Dec 06.

During service that day, i went to the front to receive prayer from Ps khong. I was slain and i begin speaking in tongues. My vision shows a ray of white lights and felt myself talking to God, just like pouring out my sorrows and troubles within. After Miss Kau prayed for me, i felt that my heart is "lighter". haha i don't really know how to express it but i know that the Lord has lifted my burden up from my shoulders. YEA! hees Praise the Lord!

Ps William's congre, i recognised God's Faithfulness in my Life. Miss Kau spoke to us about Jesus healing the sick and feeding the five thousand and summing up i have learned something - Dying to Self (I am not important but God is More important)!

Newyear bash, remember of what that Lord has done for me throughout the year of 2006.

On 2007, something changed within my HEART! I am really happy too! And claiming that this is a year of Breakout! Though certain things happened in my Life but i am still Thankful for everything:)

May God Bless You
His Love may filled all the days of your Life!