Sunday, January 14, 2007


Thanksgiving time! haha though circumstances may not be going well in my ministry but i will still choose to give thanks to the Lord! I would like to share something that came across my mind somewhere last week:) I was feeling rather tired, physically and emotionally. I was rather stressed up with the amount of school work that i had and i broke down and cry. As i was thinking about it, this came to my mind: when Jesus was born to this earth. He served the poor, preached the word of God, healing the sick, travelling around, feeding the five thousands and trials, obstacles that he faced.

A question came to my mind. Is Jesus tired? I'm sure Jesus is tired but where does this STRENGTH that he had came from? I'm sure everyone knows the answer, his STRENGTH comes from the Heavenly Father.

Many a times i'm just relying on myself to do everything and i forgot about God! This year i am going to learn to rely on God for his help and strength for each day! About my ministry, it is God that who give me this and everything belongs to God. I will continue to pray until i see a BREAKOUT! Not easy but with God, i can! Do keep me in prayers too that I will not be anxious but learn to commit to the Lord in prayer for whatever i do.

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